Blueberry yogurt muffin 食譜


抄返黎架! 初頭,我抄低依個食譜係因為唔洗用攪拌機 , 就咁用 wooden spoon  ,
,big bowl  & 開爐 就搞掂.  啱晒我d懶人性格! 唔洗,洗咁多碗碗碟碟 .

       而依個食譜我已經整過幾次! 所以, 我就作出我Vicky嘅作風, 將d成分加d減d!   我就係咁架喇! 哈哈!


     而我多數當依個 muffin 作為我嘅早餐! 因為好方便...唔洗開爐就有野食! 沖杯野飲就搞掂!唔洗成朝肚空空!


Blueberry Yogurt Muffin
~2 Cups All purpose flour (Plain Flour)
~3/4 Cups sugar
~1 tbsp Baking powder
~1 tsp baking soda
~1/2 tsp salt
~1/2 cup blueberry yogurt (我就落咗3/4杯)
~2 tsp grated orange rind (我有時唔記得落架!)
~1/4 cup Orange Juice   (我就落咗 1/2杯)
~1/4 cup Olive oil or Vegetable Oil
~2 Eggs
~1 1/2 Cup fresh Blueberries (隨意)

1)Adjust oven to 400F (200 c) and line 12 muffin cups.

2) Pour Flour,sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into large bowl; whisk until blended.

3)Pour yogurt,orange rind and juice, oil and eggs into another large bowl; whish until smooth.

4)Pour yogurt mixture over dry ingredients. Sprinkle with blueberries. With wooden spoon, stir just until you can't see any flour.

5)Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups (或者自己仲意d蛋糕模), filling three-quarters full.

6)Bake muffins in oven until tops are golden and firm to the touch, about 25 minutes.


  1. Vicky: 我都有抄低,遲D先試... 我可以整俾阿仔返學小息食!!我想問: purpose flour 中文係咩嚟架??

  2. 爆炸魔女:   ~ 係北美州通常稱 plain flour為 all purpose flour. 所以, all purpose flour 即係 普通麵粉 (plain flour)!   ~ 即係你整牛油蛋糕 (butter pound cake)個d 麵粉!    ~ 希望幫到你!

  3. Thank you晒呀!!
